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Delayed symptoms may accompany three common car crash injuries

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

After a vehicle crash, you will likely feel any injury you have immediately. However, your body will also release adrenalin, which can hide pain and injury temporarily.

Here are three of the most common car crash injuries with the potential for symptoms that may not appear for hours or even days after the collision.

1. Neck injuries

The term you hear the most following a rear-end collision is “whiplash.” This is the result of your head snapping forward and backward as the result of an impact. Outside of some stiffness, you may not feel you have any sort of injury. However, symptoms such as pain, dizziness and nausea may crop up hours after the accident. Whiplash is easily treatable, but an examination could also show a more serious cervical spine injury.

2. Head or brain damage

Striking the head on a steering wheel or windshield is a common result of the impact in car crashes. Many times a driver or passenger suffers a concussion, a mild form of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which usually disappears within a few weeks. However, a more serious TBI can leave a victim with permanent brain damage, although symptoms may be slow in appearing.

3. Dislocations

While pain may result immediately from a broken bone, a car crash may cause a dislocated joint, which might not present symptoms at the time of the accident. Sites of the most common dislocations are the shoulder and elbow, but you could also sustain a dislocated wrist, ankle, finger or knee.

Importance of medical attention

No immediate symptoms? It is important to seek medical attention following even a minor vehicle collision since you could have underlying injuries. Also, the report your doctor writes will be an essential addition when submitting a claim for compensation to cover your medical expenses, lost wages and more.

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