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Why children are more vulnerable to dog bites

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2024 | Dog And Animal Bites |

Dogs are wonderful companions for many families. However, it is important to recognize that dogs, like any animal, have their own ways of communicating and reacting to situations.

Learning why dogs might bite is key to preventing such incidents, especially when it comes to interactions with children.

Lack of understanding

One reason why children are more susceptible to dog bites is that they may not fully understand a dog’s behavior or body language. Dogs communicate through various signals, such as wagging their tails, barking or growling. Children might misinterpret these cues or fail to recognize warning signs that a dog may be feeling uncomfortable or threatened.


Children’s behavior can sometimes be unpredictable, which can make dogs nervous or anxious. Quick movements, loud noises or sudden gestures from a child might startle a dog, leading to a defensive reaction like a bite. Additionally, young children may not have developed the impulse control to refrain from behaviors that could provoke a dog.


Another factor to consider is the size difference between children and dogs. From a dog’s perspective, a child may appear as a peer or even a threat due to their similar height and eye level. This can trigger a dog’s instinctual response to assert dominance or defend itself if it feels threatened, potentially resulting in a bite.

Lack of supervision

Children are more likely to be bitten by a dog when unsupervised or left alone with a dog. Without proper supervision, children may engage in risky behaviors or interactions with a dog that could lead to an unfortunate incident. Responsible adult supervision is necessary to ensure safe interactions between children and dogs.

Prevention tips

To reduce the risk of dog bites, teach children how to interact safely with dogs. This includes:

Asking permission before petting a dog

Approaching dogs calmly and quietly

Avoiding disturbing dogs while they are eating or sleeping

Not bothering dogs that are with their owners or working (e.g., service dogs)

Learning to recognize signs of a dog’s discomfort or fear and knowing when to back away

Being bitten by a dog is a traumatic experience. By understanding the reasons why children are more susceptible to dog bites and taking proactive measures to prevent such incidents, families can create safer environments for everyone.

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